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Installation and troubleshooting on NAS and embedded devices

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Installation and troubleshooting on NAS and embedded devices

Because JDownloader is written in cross-plattform Java it can also run on many different NAS products and embedded devices.

In order to run JDownloader on your device the following minimum requirements must be met:

  • IMPORTANT: With and without GUI, JDownloader does require the full JRE/JDK JVM package and not stripped down "headless" JVM package.
  • supported Java Versions: LTS Java Versions are recommended, for example 1.8(LTS)
    • 1.6, 1.7, 1.8(LTS) ,Java 9, Java 10
    • Java 11(LTS), Java 12, Java 13, Java 14, Java 15, Java 16
    • Java 17(LTS), Java 18, Java 19, Java 20
    • Java 21(LTS),......
    • following JVMs are known to work/are supported: OpenJDK, Adoptium, IBM, Zulu, Zing, Corretto, Microsoft, Oracle
  • minimum of 128 MB RAM (less is possible but not recommended)
    • recommended: 256 MB for headless, 512 MB with GUI
  • about 100 MB disk space

Short overview of known supported devices (highly depends on hardware specification like CPU/RAM/OS)
Some of these e.g. Synology devices will require extra install instructions which you will find by clicking on them!

Supported boards:

  • Raspberry PI
  • Odroid
  • Banana Pi
  • Cubieboard
  • Beagleboard
  • Hummingboard
  • PandaBoard
  • CuBox
  • ...please let us know about more supported boards


How to install JDownloader on headless (no graphical userinterface) devices and control it via MyJDownloader webinterface:

  1. Create a folder where you want to install JDownloader to
    • example: "mkdir /path/JDownloader" replace path with installation parent folder)
  2. Download JDownloader.jar (4.923.111 bytes|SHA256:0d8fbd29338702a7a316ea39e2380419e001b2c81b5074c8a1c8a82fa14a725c) or copy existing JDownloader.jar (and place it into that folder)
  3. Start JDownloader installation
    1. java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar JDownloader.jar -norestart
    2. Repeat step 3.1 until JDownloader asks you to enter your MyJDownloader logins on console
    3. You can now remote control your JDownloader instance via MyJDownloader
  4. Start JDownloader with java -jar JDownloader.jar & (without the -norestart parameter!)
  5. Checkout the other articles in this headless category - especially these useful headless hints.
  6. Much fun with JDownloader and MyJDownloader :)

Small FAQ and troubleshooting guide

After each JDownloader update, JDownloader closes itself and I'm unable to see it in the myjd webinterface - why?

Most likely you've started JDownloader with the "-norestart" parameter. Start it without that parameter and that problem will be gone.

How to check if JDownlolader is running?

  1. Navigate to the directory where JDownloader is installed.
  2. You should see a file called
    If that file exists, JDownloader should be running.
    If you want to be 100% sure, open this file and check if the process-ID that it contains is running at this moment.
    if the file does not exist but you know that JDownloader is running, you're probably having permission issues which you should fix!

How to close/kill a JDownloader instance running in headless mode?

There are multiple ways you can close JDownloader.
You can see those listed below.

1. Easy way: Via webinterface

Open your JDownloader via and navigate to Settings -> Click on Close JDownloader

2. Terminal

  1. Navigate to the folder in which you've installed JDownloader, usually via:
    cd /volume1/@appstore/JDownloader
  2. If there is a file called
    Close JD using the following command:
    kill $(cat
    ...otherwise use the following command:
    pkill -f 'java.*JDownloader'
    If JDownloader was running, it will be closed upon confirming that command.

JDownloader is starting with GUI although I want to have it running headless - what can I do to fix this?

In case your shell/terminal has an X11 environment variable, you can tell Java to ignore GUI/head and start without GUI, for example:

java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar JDownloader.jar

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