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How to backup & restore your JD configuration

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How to backup/restore your JD configuration (includes Settings, Accounts, Downloadlist, Linkgrabberlist)

This can be helpful if you:

  • Are moving from one computer/OS to another
  • Simply want to have a backup
  • Are re-installing JDownloader and want to keep your previous config
  • Are going to change advanced settings in JDownloader
  • Are trying to fix a broken JDownloader installation and want to be on the safe side

[Beginners] How to create a backup?

  1. Click on File --> Backup --> Backup all settings
  2. Select your save path and confirm.
  3. A file with the ending ".jd2backup" will be created in your selected folder.
    This includes the following information:
    - Downloadlist
    - LinkGrabber List
    - All settings
    - All of your accounts
    - EventScripter scripts
    - Basically everything from inside the "[Your JD install dir]/cfg" folder

[Beginners] How to restore a backup?

  1. Click on File --> Backup --> Restore settings
  2. Select your previously saved file and confirm
  3. JD will restart with your restored settings

[Advanced & Headless users]
How to backup- and restore your JDownloader configuration via configuration folder backup?
or: How to backup your config even if JDownloader doesn't start at all e.g. due to a broken installation.


Manually backup your config folder

Inside your JDownloader install dir you can find a folder called cfg.
This folder contains your complete config so creating a backup of that folder essentially creates a backup of your JDownloader config.


Automatically backup your config folder

You can use external backup applications to automatically create backups of your cfg folder.
Examples of such applications:
Windows, Linux, Mac: FreeFileSync (link), Syncthing (link)
Linux: Resilio (link)


Restoring a cfg folder backup

Copy the previously stored cfg folder over to your new JDownloader installation.

I've restored my previous config but installed JDownloader extensions are missing, what to do?

Extensions are not part of the config. Simply re-install them.

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