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Error Skipped - Captcha is required

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Error Skipped - Captcha is required

This error can happen for various reasons, which we will be covering here.


Silent mode active?

Check if silent mode is active: In top main toolbar, there is a window with a red "X".

If that is active, captchas and other dialogs will be suppressed.


Too many wrong attempts?

If you've answered a captcha wrong too many times, this error may happen too.


Too many skipped or unanswered captchas?

If you've just ignored or skipped too many captchas, items may also get this status.




Captcha which is supported only via Remote Captcha Solver service?

Some captcha types can only be solved via [paid] captcha solver services.

At this moment, this includes the following types of captchas:

Cloudflare Turnstile Captcha



You can only crawl and download from websites using these captchas if you setup a JDownloader supported paid captcha solver service which also supports the required captcha type.

Example of JD supported services which can solve the listed captcha types:


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