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Error Cutcaptcha is not supported

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Error Cutcaptcha is not supported


Are you getting the error message "Cutcaptcha is not supported", "Wrong Captcha!CUTCAPTCHA_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED" or similar?
Alternative: Are you unable to add links from website filecrypt.co to JDownloader for whatever reason ? This article described how you can add filecrypt links to JDownloader in a manual way.

This error indicates that there is a special kind of captcha type required to add your desired link.
By default, JDownloader can't handle this kind of captcha ("CutCaptcha") which also means that it is unable to automatically process links which require the user to solve such captchas.
In our support forums we've also explained why.


  1. Open the link in your browser.
  2. Manually solve the captcha in your browser.
    It should look similar to this:
  3. Add the final links via Click'n load (CNL) or DLC container to JDownloader if possible.


Okay I understand that CutCaptcha is not supported but can't I just use a captcha solver service to let it automatically solve these captchas?

Keep in mind that not all supported captcha solvers support CutCaptcha.

At the time of writing this article, it is e.g. supported via services 2captcha.com and deathbycaptcha.com in JDownloader.

This is not an ad or a recommendation! We just happened to implement it into these services first.

Tags: Cutcaptcha, CUTCAPTCHA_NOT_SUPPORTED, CUTCAPTCHA_NOT, filecrypt.cc, filecrypt.co

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