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Docker container for JDownloader

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Docker container for JDownloader

Disclaimer: All projects mentioned in this article are not maintained by any official JDownloader staff! Use at your own risk!

We do not provide any official Docker container but there is a popular JDownloader Docker container project maintained by the community.

Link: https://github.com/jlesage/docker-jdownloader-2

Security Warning:

By default, access to the application's GUI is done over an unencrypted connection (HTTP or VNC).
By default there is no password so anyone can connect!
Set a password if you are planning to use this Docker setup in a publicly accessible environment!
More information: https://github.com/jlesage/docker-jdownloader-2#security


Troubleshooting FAQ of frequent Docker related problems

I'm having problems with dates/times in JDownloader in my Docker installation - what can I do?

The Docker default timezone is UTC-0 which is what Java will be using as well.
You can define the timezone for your Docker container as environment variable to change it for example:
Name: TZ
Value: Europe/Berlin
More information on this topic:

Other JDownloader Docker projects

Tags: Docker Container, Podman, Unraid

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