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Shutdown computer when downloads are finished

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How to shutdown computer when downloads are finished

  1. Go to Settings -> Scroll down the left side and click on Extension Modules
  2. In the line JD shutdown click on the button Install now, confirm the dialog and wait some seconds
  3. Restart JDownloader
  4. Go to Settings -> Scroll down the left side and click on JD Shutdown -> Enable it in the top right corner and configure it to your needs.

Now you can enable/disable the shutdown after downloads at any time using the shutdown symbol in the main toolbar.


Additional information

By default, Shutdown will be disabled once it was triggered one time.
The Keep Shutdown enabled option will permanently keep it enabled.
Use this with caution since this means that if you for example start JDownloader only to download a single file, it will trigger the shutdown after this!

Apart from the main toolbar you can also enable/disable shutdown via the Tools category in the upper main part of the JDownloader window.

Tags: Shutdown, JDShutdown, Herunterfahren, turn off, turnoff, hibernate

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