I'am unable to install the official MyJDownloader Chrome addon, due to the forced switch to manifestV3, what can I do about it?
Possible solutions include:
- Windows users: tweak your registry to allow the prolonged usage of manifestV2 addons in Chrome, see: https://www.regfiles.net/registry/extend-extension-manifest-v2-availability-registry
-> Go to the linked website -> Scroll down and click on the blue "Download" button -> Double click the downloaded .reg file to apply it to your Windows registry
- and/or: Open a new Tab -> Enter the following in the address bar and press enter ->
-> et this to "Enabled"
See also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79283218/running-unpacked-chrome-extensions-through-the-manifest-v2-deprecation
- or: use Firefox or any other browser that continues to support manifestV2
- or: if you do not want to fully switch to another browser, you can also get a portable version of a manifestV2 supported browser
Another useful guide about how to prolong manifestV2 usage under certain operating systems:
Important notice
If you decide to use another browser and if that browser is not your systems' default browser:
If you need to solve Browser captchas, be sure to configure JD to use your non-default browser for captcha solving.