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I get error "Bandwidth limit reached" but JDownloader does not try to obtain a new IP, what can I do?

  1. Stop all currently running downloads.
  2. Go to Settings -> Plugins -> -> Set Set preferred limit mode to Global: Wait or get new IP
  3. Start your downloads again.
    JDownloader will now perform a reconnect to get a new IP if you've properly configured the Reconnect feature.

I permanently get error "Bandwidth limit reached" or "509 bandwidth limit exceeded" even after changing my IP, what can I do?

You possibly ran into this known issue.
Technical background:
JD can only download / request complete files.
Browsers and other MEGA tools can request only parts of files e.g.:
- mega allows you to download 2GB but you want to download a 5GB file
- Other tools will just download parts of that 2GB file until MEGA servers say "enough for today" and resume later
--> JDownloader cannot do this and will thus fail until you got a free quota of at least those full 5GB available.
So far there is no way to download such files as a free user if there is less bandwidth available than the full length of the file.
Possible solutions:

  • Buy a mega premium/pro account and add it to JDownloader
  • Use other tools to download such files as free-user

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