Une erreur s'est produite en chargeant les commentaires.

Disk full error

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Disk full error

  1. Check if you got enough disk space left.
  2. Check your download path.
    Depending on your OS (especially Linux/BSD [also QNAP/Synology]), file-systems are case-sensitive so in your currently used path there might indeed not be enough space left and/or you've mistakenly chosen the wrong path.
  3. Especially when using Docker as a beginner, application paths can be tricky.
    Re-check the tutorial you've used to setup JD via docker and check your paths!
  4. If you are using JDownloader on Synology hardware, check this article (scroll down):
    You are most likely using a download path that leads to your system partition which is a bad path to use and usually also does not provide a lot of usable space.
    If that was the case you should also delete all files which were written to that path by JDownloader.
  5. For advanced users and only if you know what you're doing: If you get this error while you know that there is enough free space available, you can disable the free space check as follows:
    Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Search for GeneralSettings.freespacecheckenabled -> Disable this

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