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Google Drive: How to setup API credentials

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Google Drive: How to setup API credentials

You were most likely sent here by support staff or our GDrive troubleshooting article.
Only add Google Drive API credentials to JD if you really know what you're doing or if you were sent here by support staff/articles!

Important notice regarding the download of private files with enabled API usage:
Using public API credentials, you can download public files only!
Private files will be displayed as offline and will not be downloadable after adding Google Drive API credentials!

Google frequently changes the layout of their developer console pages so in case the instructions below get outdated, report this to our support and/or combine our instructions with those from google.

  1. Open your Google API console dashboard.
  2. Create a new project with a name of your choice.
  3. Hover your mouse over the top left corner to see the list of projects -> Select that project
  4. Click on Enable APIs and services -> Enter Google Drive in the search bar and hit the enter button -> Select the first result which should be a typical Google Drive icon -> Click the blue Enable button
  5. Hover your mouse over the left side of the page to view the sidebar -> Click on Credentials -> Click on Create Credentials -> API Key -> Copy your API key to your clipboard
  6. In JDownloader go to Settings -> Plugins -> drive.google.com -> Paste your API key into the field Google Drive API Key
  7. Afterwards add a public Google Drive folder to JDownloader for testing. If JDownloader successfully crawls that, your API credentials are working fine.

These instructions may be outdated frequently as Google is constantly updating their websites.
You should be able to find various similar instructions on the web by simply searching for the terms "How to create Google Drive API key" or similar.

Warning: Adding an invalid API key will break all Google Drive functionality in JDownloader!
Only add Google Drive API credentials to JDownloader if you know what you're doing, if it makes sense according to our Google Drive troubleshooting guide or if you were told to do so by our support staff!

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